Traces of Islamic Manuscript Production in Kuningan
Kuningan is a town to the south of the city of Cirebon (at present part of the Province of West Java, Indonesia). In the past Cirebon was [Read more…]
Kuningan is a town to the south of the city of Cirebon (at present part of the Province of West Java, Indonesia). In the past Cirebon was [Read more…]
A manuscript in the collection of Iim Abdurrohim from the Lengkong area in Kuningan, West Java has attracted my attention. This manuscript was digitised in [Read more…]
The names Muḥammad ‘Aydrūs Qā’im al-Dīn ibn Badr al-Dīn al-Buṭūnī, Sultan Muḥammad ʿAydarūs, Sultan Muhammad Idrus Kaimuddin, La Ode Muhammad Idrus Qaimuddin, and La Ode [Read more…]
ABSTRACT Studies of the languages and literatures of the Malay world of Nusantara have long been shaped by thecollections of manuscripts held in western institutions, [Read more…]
Writing and letters in Bali are not just ways to transmit, preserve and disseminate ideas and simple or complex messages and literature. In Bali, writing [Read more…]
At present, the world is facing a global pandemic due to the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Herewith we express our deep concern and hope [Read more…]
Dr Dick van der Meij, DREAMSEA’s Academic Advisor and Liaison Officer was invited to deliver a lecture during the International Symposium on Royal Attire and [Read more…]
Many libraries in the world preserve Javanese pawukonmanuscripts containing divinatory calendars based on the Javanese 30 seven-day wukucycle. Collections are found in the National Library of Indonesia [Read more…]
Manuscripts are not only about content. The leather bindings, the kinds of paper, and the ink used may tell us stories without words – material [Read more…]
Today’s guest blog, highlighting one of the most important Javanese manuscripts from Yogyakartawhich has just been digitised, is by Dr Dick van der Meij from [Read more…]
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